Buy school of dragon code
Buy school of dragon code

buy school of dragon code

Respect is about being polite and having good manners.Respect is all about treating other people the way you would like them to treat you: listen to them, be kind to them, and help them if needed.Demonstrate Respect – Here are some things to remember about respect:.Your teachers and parents can’t do this for you. At Ladera, every student is a scholar responsible for demonstrating scholarly behaviors: thirst for knowledge, perseverance, excellence, being prepared, and responsibility. Own your Learning – When you come to school, you have a very important job - LEARNING.When everyone makes choices that demonstrate these character traits, it can happen! Everyone has the right to be safe, to learn and be comfortable at school. At Ladera, we value all the character traits of a good citizen: kindness, integrity, gratitude, trustworthiness, and cooperation. Choose Character – Doing the right thing is something you have to choose to do every day…all day.Just about everything you are going to review with your parents on the following pages falls under one of the guidelines for success defined by The Dragon CODE: Some of the rules at school are in place to protect your right to learn in a safe, calm environment. Every country has laws to help keep its citizens safe and every school has rules for the same reason.

Buy school of dragon code